About Us


Wikidata is a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines. Wikidata acts as central storage for the structured data of its Wikimedia sister projects including Wikipedia, Wikivoyage, Wiktionary, Wikisource, and others.

The Wikidata repository consists mainly of items, each one having a label, a description and any number of aliases. Items are uniquely identified by a Q followed by a number, such as Douglas Adams (Q42). Statements describe detailed characteristics of an Item and consist of a property and a value. Properties in Wikidata have a P followed by a number, such as with educated at (P69).

What is WikiTimeline?

WikiTimeline is a tool which retrieves data from the user about a particular entity and obtain facts about that entity from the WIKIDATA database. Using these facts and information, we develop a timeline graph and display on the graph.

It also allows allow the users to access various relationships of the entity and navigate from one entity to another.

What can I do with WikiTimeline?

Click on the "Start with something fun" button above. Try out the functions on our example timeline.

Collaborate With Us

WikiTimeline application is an open-source & free application and may be modified to the needs of the user as long as the user adheres to MIT license. Any one can contribute towards this project or build upon the existing project. You can find us on GitHub.

How to use WikiTimeline?

Here is a short video instruction on how to explore our WikiTimeline.
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